Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Defining Moments Series Begins

Welcome to our 2012 Defining Moments series—a year-long movement highlighting moments, experiences, and testimonies that have connected individuals to the mission of Generations Group Homes in some way, shape or form. Beginning this month with Generations’ founder and CEO Kathleen Reynolds, and soon to come in February with long-time volunteer Andrea Pulliam, these unique and special moments will define the profound impact Generations’ has made on a very personal level. Our hope is that these moments will touch your heart as they have ours.

Posts and video vignettes relating to each month’s defining moment will always reflect back to Generations’ mission of ‘no more victims,’ and will be added regularly. We welcome and encourage your thoughts as our series progresses. So please, check in often and share “Defining Moments” with others. As more individuals become aware of Generations’ mission, the more opportunity there is for others to join us in making a real difference.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited that Generations now has a BLOG! This is awesome!
